Documents Database

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Flood Risk - Runde Catchment Flood Risk - Runde Catchment Zimbabwe Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment, GIS & Mapping, Risk Identification & Assessment Flood
Malagasy standards for the construction of hydro agricultural infrastructures against floods in Madagascar - NIHYCRI Malagasy Standards for the Construction of Hydroagricultural Infrastructures Against Floods in Madagascar - NIHYCRI Madagascar Disaster Risk Management, Infrastructure, Urban Risk & Planning Flood
Flood Risk - Sanyati Catchment Flood Risk - Sanyati Catchment Zimbabwe Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment, GIS & Mapping, Risk Identification & Assessment Flood
Madagascar Disaster Risk Financing Program Madagascar Disaster Risk Financing Program Madagascar Capacity Development, Disaster Risk Management, Economics of DRR, Social Impacts & Resilience Drought, Flood
Flood Risk - Mzingwane Catchment Flood Risk - Mzingwane Catchment Zimbabwe Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment, GIS & Mapping, Risk Identification & Assessment Flood
the CPGU implements a set of activities focused on prevention and reconstruction with the aim of reducing disaster risks, including the implementation of rules for building a paracyclonic building Construction rules for a para-cyclonic building in Madagascar Madagascar Disaster Risk Management, Infrastructure, Urban Risk & Planning Cyclone
Flood Risk - Save Catchment Flood Risk - Save Catchment Zimbabwe Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment, GIS & Mapping, Risk Identification & Assessment Flood
National Disaster Management Policy National Disaster Management Policy Zambia Disaster Risk Management, Economics of DRR, Governance
Flood Risk - Gwayi Catchment Flood Risk - Gwayi Catchment Zimbabwe Climate Change Flood
The goal of this plan is to have an effective, efficient and well-coordinated health sector all hazards response system that will lead to reduction of mortality, morbidity, and disability. All-hazard Public Health Emergency Response Plan Tanzania Disaster Risk Management, Governance, Health & Health Facilities, Risk Identification & Assessment Drought, Earthquake, Epidemic & Pandemic, Flood, Land Slide, Volcano