Type de contenu
SADC DRR: Vocabulaire du type de contenu
SADC DRR: Vocabulaire des risques
- Front froid (4)
- Cyclone (82)
- Sécheresse (135)
- Tremblement de terre (52)
- Épidémie et pandémie (66)
- Inondation (164)
- Vague de chaleur (10)
- Infestation d'insectes (18)
- Glissement de terrain (36)
- NBC - Nucléaire, biologique, chimique (4)
- Onde de tempête (23)
- Catastrophe technique (4)
- Tornade (5)
- Tsunami (26)
- Volcan (20)
- Incendie (36)
- Autre (36)
SADC DRR: Emplacements vocabulaire
- Global (26)
- CDAA (26)
- Angola (18)
- Botswana (31)
- Comores (31)
- République démocratique du Congo (23)
- Eswatini (27)
- Lesotho (27)
- Madagascar (49)
- Malawi (45)
- Maurice (12)
- Mozambique (26)
- Namibie (21)
- Seychelles (10)
- Afrique du Sud (17)
- Tanzanie (40)
- Zambie (31)
- Zimbabwe (28)
Les organisations
SADC DRR: Les organisations
- ADRiFi (1)
- Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) (2)
- African Risk Capacity (ARC) (1)
- Union Africaine (5)
- AH Consulting (1)
- Initiative de capacité de réduction des catastrophes (CADRI) (2)
- CARE International (1)
- Centre de recherche en épidémiologie des catastrophes [Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)] (1)
- Civil Protection - DRC - Democratic Republic of the Congo (1)
- Initiative de recherche concertée sur l'adaptation en Afrique et en Asie [Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA)] (1)
- Consortium MAGMA (1)
- Cowater International (1)
- Département de la protection civile - Ministère des collectivités locales, des travaux publics et du logement national [Civil Protection Department - Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing] (2)
- Département des affaires de gestion des catastrophes [Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA)] (15)
- Department of Environmental Affairs (2)
- Department of Water and Sanitation (1)
- Directorate of Civil Protection | Ministry of the Interior, Security and Traditional Affairs (1)
- Directorate of European, International Affairs and Culture of Peace (1)
- Directorate: Policy Development and Regulatory Frameworks - National Disaster Management Centre (1)
- Disaster Management Authority - Prime Minister's Office (5)
- Disaster Management Department - Prime Minister's Office - Tanzania (7)
- Division of Environment - Vice President's Office (1)
- Division of Risk and Disaster Management Environment Department - Ministry of Environment & Energy (1)
- e-Communications Research Group (eCRG) (1)
- Secrétariat de la Communauté de l'Afrique de l'Est (CAE) (1)
- Environmental Affairs Department (2)
- Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment Committee (4)
- Commission européenne (CE) (2)
- Centre commun de recherche de la Commission européenne (15)
- Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (1)
- Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) (2)
- Food and Nutrition Coordinating Office - Office of the Prime Minister (1)
- Climat futur pour l'Afrique [Future Climate for Africa (FCfA)] (1)
- General Directorate for Civil Security | Ministry of the interior, information, descentralization, in charge of relations with institutions (2)
- Facilité mondiale pour la réduction des catastrophes et le relèvement (GFDRR) (13)
- Government of Angola (6)
- Government of Botswana (6)
- Government of Botswana - Minister of Finance and Economic Development (1)
- Government of Botswana - Office of the President (2)
- Government of Eswatini (2)
- Government of Lesotho (5)
- Government of Lesotho - Ministry of Forestry, Range and Soil Conservation (1)
- Government of Lesotho - Ministry of Natural Resources (1)
- Government of Madagascar (8)
- Government of Madagascar - Presidency of the Republic (1)
- Government of Malawi (6)
- Government of Malawi - Office of the Vice President (1)
- Government of Mozambique (7)
- Government of Namibia (5)
- Government of Namibia - National Planning Commission (1)
- Government of Seychelles (3)
- Government of South Africa (4)
- Government of the Comoros (10)
- Government of the Comoros - General Commissioner of the Plan - General Secretariat of Government (1)
- Government of the Comoros - General Directorate for Civil Security - Ministry of the Interior (2)
- Government of the Comoros - General Directorate of Environment and Forests - Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Crafts (3)
- Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (5)
- Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo - Ministry of Environment (1)
- Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (6)
- Government of the United Republic of Tanzania - Prime Minister's Office (1)
- Government of Zambia (5)
- Gouvernement zambien - Bureau du vice-président - Unité de gestion et d'atténuation des catastrophes (11)
- Government of Zimbabwe (5)
- Integrated Food Security Classification Framework (IPC) (1)
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task (IASC) (1)
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task (IASC) Team for Preparedness and Resilience (1)
- International Centre on Environmental Monitoring (CIMA) (7)
- Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) (1)
- Fédération internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (FICR) (3)
- Fonds monétaire international (FMI) (5)
- Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) (2)
- King and the Parliament of Swaziland (1)
- Lesotho Vulnerability Assessment Committee (LVAC) (2)
- Malawi Institute of Education (1)
- Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (1)
- Service météorologique de Maurice (1)
- Météo Malagasy (2)
- Minister for Works, Transport and Communication (1)
- Minister of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management (4)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives (1)
- Ministry of Energy and Meteorology (1)
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Management (1)
- Ministry of Environment and Forests (1)
- Ministry of Environment and Tourism (2)
- Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (1)
- Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate (2)
- Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development (2)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade (1)
- Ministry of Health (1)
- Ministry of Health (2)
- Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (1)
- Ministry of Health, Community development, Gender, Elderly and Children (1)
- Ministère des terres, de l'environnement et du développement rural (MITADER) (2)
- Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship (1)
- Ministry of National Development Planning (1)
- Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining (1)
- Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Crafts - Directorate General of Environment and Forests (1)
- Ministry of regional planning, housing and public works (1)
- Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization (2)
- Ministry of the Interior and Security (1)
- Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs (1)
- National Commission for Civil Protection (2)
- National Directorate of Civil Protection (DNPC) (1)
- National Disaster Management Agency (11)
- National Disaster Management Centre (3)
- National Disaster Management Office - Office of the President (5)
- National Disaster Management Policy Review Task Force (1)
- National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre (1)
- National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) (2)
- National Office for Risk and Disaster Management - Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reform (BNGRC) (4)
- National Platform for Risk Reduction and Disaster Management | Ministry of the Interior, security and traditional affairs (1)
- Office of the Prime Minister (1)
- Office of the Prime Minister - Directorate Disaster Risk Management - Namibia (4)
- Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (1)
- Prevention and Emergency Management Unit (CPGU) (11)
- Prime Minister's Office Regional Administration and Local Government - Kilosa District Council (2)
- Prime Minister’s Office (1)
- Comité permanent régional interorganisations (RIASCO) (3)
- ReliefWeb - Informer les humanitaires du monde entier (1)
- Ruhr University Bochum – Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) (1)
- Rural Development Council - Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development (1)
- Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (CDAA) (12)
- South South North (1)
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (1)
- Tanzania Meteorological Agency (1)
- The Republic of Malawi - Ministry of Homeland Security - Department of Disaster Management Affairs (1)
- The Second Vice President's Office (2)
- The Seychelles National Climate Change Committee (1)
- La Banque mondiale (26)
- Banque mondiale - Équipe de Genre GRC (2)
- Uncertainty Reduction in Models for Understanding Development Applications (UMFULA) (1)
- UNDRR Regional Office for Africa (UNDRR-AF) (5)
- Nations Unies (ONU) (2)
- Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) (14)
- United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) (1)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA) (1)
- Assemblée générale des Nations Unies (1)
- Bureau des Nations Unies pour la réduction des risques de catastrophe (UNDRR) (21)
- Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires des Nations Unies (UNOCHA) (1)
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (1)
- University of Zimbabwe (8)
- Zambia Vulnerability Assessment Committee (8)
SADC DRR: Vocabulaire des thèmes
- Développement des capacités (107)
- Société civile/ONGs (54)
- Changement climatique (112)
- RRC communautaire (43)
- Urgence complexe (35)
- Gestion des Risques de Catastrophe (299)
- Alerte précoce (73)
- Économie de la RRC (92)
- Éducation et sécurité scolaire (56)
- Environnement (72)
- Sécurité alimentaire et agriculture (98)
- Genre (24)
- SIG et cartographie (34)
- Gouvernance (268)
- Santé et établissements de santé (82)
- Gestion de l'information (56)
- Infrastructure (56)
- Récupération (40)
- Identification et évaluation des risques (165)
- Cadre Sendai (51)
- Impacts sociaux et résilience (96)
- Transfrontière (2)
- Risque urbain et planification (30)
- Populations vulnérables (84)
- Eau (81)