SADC Regional Disaster Risk Reduction, Preparedness and Response Planning Workshop | 01-02 October 2012. Gaborone, Botswana

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Documents & Publications

The annual SADC Disaster Risk Reduction, Preparedness and Response Planning Workshop took place in Gaborone, Botswana, on 01 and 02 October 2012 under the theme “Strengthening Partnership on DRR and Preparedness in SADC Region”.

The Workshop provided a platform for national and regional DRR managers and stakeholders to deliberate on the implications of the 2012/13 seasonal rainfall forecast, and agree on contingency and preparedness measures needed to respond to possible emergencies.

This year the Workshop was broadened to discuss relevant humanitarian concerns in the region, such as food security and the relationship between migration, climate change and environment. Also, a project known as “Africa Risk Capacity”(ARC) was presented by WFP to build capacity within AU Member States to manage drought risks.

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