Documents and Publications

Disaster risk reduction and resilience publications, reports, research papers and case studies. These documents establish a common scientific approach to risk assessment and monitoring, provide a clear picture of risk reduction activities and results, and identify relevant lessons learnt in the sector.

Related Documents
  • Zimbabwe agriculture sector disaster risk assessment report

    This report presents an assessment of Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector disaster risk and management capacity. The findings indicate that Zimbabwe is highly exposed to agricultural risks and has limited capacity to manage risk at various levels.

  • Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World

    This document is the output of the World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction, held in Yokohama, Japan, from 23 May to 27 May 1994. It provides guidelines for natural disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation.

  • Malawi 2019 Floods Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)

    On March 19, 2019, the Government of Malawi, through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, submitted a formal request to the World Bank for assistance to conduct a Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) of the floods.

  • Botswana Disaster Risk Reduction Baseline

    Botswana presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.

  • Disaster Risk Reduction Mauritius

    Mauritius presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.