
Mauritius is particularly vulnerable to risks derived from earthquakes, floods and tropical cyclones (WB, 2016). The government is committed to making the country safer and more resilient: Mauritius ranks now 47th in terms of disaster risk (World Risk Report 2019) – while in 2018 ranked 16th and was the 10th most exposed country to natural hazards.

The National DRR Management Centre (NDRRMC) is Mauritius’ main institution for the planning, organizing, coordinating and monitoring of DRR activities. It is responsible for the development of a National DRR and Management Strategic Framework and a National Plan. The National DRR and Management Council oversees promoting DRR implementation in the country, and the implementation of the National Strategic Framework and National Plan.

The National Emergency Operations Command (NEOC) coordinates and monitors all response and recovery activities during the event of a disaster. At Municipal and District levels, there are Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committees; and Local Emergency Operations Command (LEOC) during a crisis.

The legal framework for DRR is set by recent documents, such as the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 2016 or the National Disaster Scheme (2015) (under revision). A National Multi-Hazards Emergency Alert System and a Disaster Information Management System are being developed.

  • WB (2016). Disaster Risk Profile. Washington: World Bank.

On the islands of Mauritius, the climate is tropical, with a hot and rainy season which reaches its peak from January to March, and a relatively cooler and less rainy season from June to September. The rains, as is common in the tropics, occur primarily in the form of downpours or thunderstorms, which usually do not last long, so the sun shines for a good number of hours even in the wettest months.

The archipelago is located in the zone of the trade winds, constant winds which in this hemisphere blow from the south-east, especially in the cool season.

Flag of Mauritius
Country Area:
Country population (male):
Country population (female):
Regional Platform / DRR Contact Point
Risk reduction Policies, Plans & Strategies

Policies, plans and official statements on disaster risk, climate adaptation and resilience.

National Disasters Scheme National Disasters Scheme

An extensive and detailed scheme for National Disasters of the Mauritius which includes:

The Mauritius Meteorological Services Act 2019 The Mauritius Meteorological Services Act 2019

This act resumes the main goals, functions and powers of the Mauritius Meteorological Services, but also describes the requeriments for the Director and officers' positions, as well as the main regulations.

National Disaster Risk Reduciton and Management Bill (No. II of 2016) National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Bill (No. II of 2016)

The Bill provides for the setting up of a National Disaster Risk Reductionand Management Council, which shall, inter alia, oversee the implementation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Policy, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Strategic Framework and National Dis

Documents & Publications

Disaster risk reduction and resilience publications, reports, research papers and case studies.

Disaster Risk Reduction Mauritius Disaster Risk Reduction Mauritius

Mauritius presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.

Mauritius: Sendai Framework data readiness review report Mauritius: Sendai Framework Data Readiness Review Report

This report reviews the availability of data in Mauritius to report against the indicators recommended to measure the global targets of the Sendai Framework, and identify current gaps.

Mauritius: National progress report on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2013-2015) Mauritius: National progress report on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2013-2015)

The progress report assesses current national strategic priorities with regard to the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions, and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved with respect to the implementation of the HFA's five priorities for action.

Disaster Data & Statistics

Reports on disaster statistics, country profiles and additional resources on collecting disaster loss data.

Disaster Risk Profile - Mauritius Disaster Risk Profile - Mauritius

This disaster risk profile for Mauritius seeks to provide a basis for the future implementation of disaster risk financing through the improved understanding of disaster risks.

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