Plan of Action

The Plan of Action (PoA) was prepared by the African Union as the new global framework for DRR in Africa, by reviewing and updating the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (AFSDRR) and its Extended Programme of Action, taking into consideration the Hyogo Framework for Action, the Sendai Framework and other relevant development frameworks and processes.

PoA is the strategic plan for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in Africa, namely through national DRR strategy and plan alignment with the Sendai Framework. The PoA shares the 15-year period of the Sendai Framework.

The goal of the PoA is to guide multi-hazard reduction and management of disaster risk in development processes at all levels as well as within and across all sectors in Africa, in line with the Sendai Framework. It seeks to strengthen DRR in Africa and its integration into policies of the African Union, RECs and Member States in line with the Sendai Framework.

The specific objectives of the PoA are to:

  1. Strengthen coherence and integration between disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, ecosystem management, conflict and fragility, and other development imperatives to contribute to the implementation and achievement of the goals and aspirations of the Agenda 2063, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the New Urban Agenda and the outcomes of the World Humanitarian summit, including through related instruments, frameworks, programmes and processes adopted by African Union Policy Organs, RECs and Member States.
  2. Strengthen long-term capacities, including coordination mechanisms, at continental and regional levels to support the implementation of the ARSDRR and the Sendai Framework and to systematically contribute to building resilience to disasters, with special focus on the most vulnerable groups;
  3. Strengthen mechanisms, frameworks and capacities at national and sub-national/local levels for mainstreaming, implementing and coordinating gender-sensitive disaster risk reduction strategies and programmes that also address risk drivers, such as poverty, public health, climate change and variability, poorly managed urbanisation, conflict and migration, environmental degradation;
  4. Embed a holistic approach to systematically incorporate risk reduction measures into design and implementation of disaster preparedness, response and recovery programmes;
  5. Develop practical tools and mobilize resources to contribute to the implementation of DRR programmes and projects.

The PoA identifies continental, regional, national and sub-national/local priorities needed to strengthen the performance of strategic initiatives and actions on achieving disaster risk reduction in accordance with the Sendai Framework.

The PoA implementation is guided by the following principles, in the context of the 13 principles of the Sendai Framework:

  1. DRR is about protecting life, health, assets, livelihoods and rights
  2. DRR is a shared responsibility of all and requires coordinated involvement of all segments and institutions of society
  3. DRR must be based on contextualized and local measures
  4. Reducing risk requires a systematic, sustained and comprehensive approach
  5. Effective DRR should be informed by robust integrated and disseminated disaster risk knowledge
  6. Sub-national/local community engagement and action is critical for effective DRR
  7. Effective cooperation and partnerships is critical for DRR.

The activities, expected results and targets of the PoA provide a framework for the monitoring of its implementation and progress. Progress of the implementation of the PoA will be assessed using existing monitoring systems and mechanisms: a biennial report will be submitted by each national Government and Regional Economic Communities using the planned Sendai Framework Monitor. The reports generated through this process will be used in compiling regional reports and be used to monitor the progress of the PoA.

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