Capacity Assessment Study of the Malawi Department of Disaster Management Affairs

Document type:
Documents & Publications

This report presents the findings of the study carried out in Malawi between December 2016 and January 2017. It assesses the Capacity of DoDMA to deliver on its mandate, identifies gaps and challenges and makes proposals for Capacity Development. The report is presented in four sections.

Section One presents the Introduction, background and objectives, as well as the tasks carried out in the context of the study. Section Two outlines the methodological approaches and the conceptual framework used to assess thee Institutional Capacity of DoDMA. Section Three presents the assessment findings and associated recommendations for improvement, and also presents results of the SWOT analysis. Section four presents the main conclusions of the study. Annexes are attached indicating the list of stakeholders consulted, current and proposed new institutional structure of DoDMA, and the summary results from the staff questionnaire.

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