Document type:
Policies, Plans & Strategies
The National Housing Policy for Lesotho is structured in four sections:
- Section 1 outlines the main challenges to be addressed by the policy, drawing on the findings of the National Housing Profile;
- Section 2 presents the Policy Vision, its Goal and Guiding Principles to promote equal access to adequate, safe and affordable housing in planned settlements;
- Section 3 presents and describes the 10 Policy Objectives;
- Section 4 proposes an institutional and regulatory framework, outlining the roles and responsibilities of the different actors regarding the implementation of the policy.
The National Housing Policy for Lesotho is accompanied by an Implementation Strategy, which outlines the proposed priority actions for each of the policy objectives, indicators of achievements, the roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the Policy as well as the resource requirements and possible means to meet them during the period 2018-2022.
