Lesotho is especially vulnerable to storms, droughts and floods. The government is committed to DRR, prioritizing population’s resilience and preparedness.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Lesotho"
Lesotho presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.
Lesotho experienced drought from the start of the winter season up to date. The results of which is felt across the whole country whereby most of the districts reported water shortages for both human and livestock consumption. Water levels in many water bodies and underground water have been deteriorating since 2012 and this has negative impacts on different sectors.
The main objective was to analyse food and nutrition security, and vulnerability of the population of Lesotho in 2019/2020 consumption year. Provide policy makers, government and other stakeholders with information for decision making and development programming.
In order to address the challenges that inhibit the country’s potential to achieving zero hunger by 2030, the Government commissioned the Lesotho Zero Hunger Strategic Review (LZHSR) report.
This paper provides an overview of what climate change will mean to subsistence and smallholder farmers in Lesotho, and how the capacity for climate change adaptation in agriculture can be strengthened, focusing on selected areas of crops, livestock and forest-based livelihood systems, to stabilize and improve yields.
This Appeal document has been prepared by the Government of Lesotho for presentation to its Development Partners, local business organizations, and citizens of good will to assist in addressing and redressing the current situation.
The Government has developed the National Resilience Strategic Framework (NRSF) to enable it to guide, coordinate and lead the process of resilience building in the country to ensure that Lesotho find a durable solution to address the multi-faceted challenges posed by climate induced shocks and stresses.
The policy provides strategic directions and coordination on issues of climate change, cognizant of its linkages with sustainable development. It identifies major vulnerable areas and risks presented by climate change.