Heavy rains were reported in Dar es Salaam, starting on 8 May 2019 to-date. According to the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), these rains are a result of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Belt and led to continous rainfall and resulting flooding which peaked on 13 May 2019. According to IGAD Climate Prediction Application Centre (ICPAC), much of southern and eastern Tanzania recorded wetter than normal rainfall condition with a few places in southern and eastern Tanzania recording severely to extremely wet rainfall conditions between 1st and 10th May 2019. On 23rd May 2019, the TMA issued a weather information update stating that rains will continue with significant impact; floods, fishing activities to be interfered, transport network impaired, socioeconomic/ livelihood will be damaged and increased risk of waterborne and vector borne disease outbreak.
The floods caused a significant impact to the people in Dar es Salaam leading to damage of properties and livelihoods and putting the affected population at risk of diseases. The initial rapid assessment conducted by TRCS from May 20 to May 23rd, indicated that the heavy rains have caused serious flooding in Kinondoni, Temeke and Ilala municipalities of Dar es Salaam. The rains which fell upstream affected eight (8) out of twenty-seven (27) wards of Kinondoni municipality, eleven (11) out of twenty-four (24) Wards of Temeke municipality and eight (8) out of twenty-five (25) Wards of Ilala municipality.
The flooding has caused displacement of people, who are hosted by friends as well as in temporary public buildings, mainly schools, mosques and churches. A total of 1215 HH have been displaced (from the 1560 HH affected). There is a widespread destruction of physical infrastructure, particularly roads and bridges, some of which have been completely damaged/broken, interfering with communication between neighbouring places within and outside the municipality. The flooding has caused significant damage to houses and has swept away personal household items and belongings as well as other properties including poultry. (IFRC, 27 May 2019).