Zimbabwe presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.
Department of Civil Protection - Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing
The Department of Civil Protection (DCP) administers the Civil Protection Act Chapter 10:06 of 1989. The key result area of the department is Disaster Risk Management (DRM) which entails a spectrum of activities involving prevention/mitigation of disaster risks, preparedness planning, timely early warning and response to rehabilitate affected elements.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Department of Civil Protection - Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing"
The progress report assesses current national strategic priorities with regard to the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions, and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved with respect to the implementation of the HFA's five priorities for action.