Build on the Sendai Framework and others in order to facilitate the identification of priority areas which must be integrated into the national development planning processes.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Government of Zambia"
Build on the Sendai Framework and others in order to facilitate the identification of priority areas which must be integrated into the national development planning processes.
An Act to establish and provide for the maintenance and operation of a system for the anticipation, preparedness, prevention, coordination, mitigation and management of disaster situations and the organisation of relief and recovery from disasters; establish the National Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit and provide for its powers and functions; provide for the declaration of disasters; e
This contingency plan covers the planned activities to be undertaken in 2008/09 rainy season with scenarios for the likely occurrence of floods based on the Zambia Meteorological Department (ZMD) rainfall forecasts.
Recovery Action Plan with specific activities and costing that result from the proposed recommendations in the 2009/2010 In-Depth Vulnerability and Needs Assessment Report that was undertaken in 17 districts.