This report presents recommended indicators to monitor the global targets of the Sendai Framework, the follow-up to and operationalization of the indicators and recommended terminology relating to disaster risk reduction.
United Nations General Assembly
All 193 Member States of the Organization are represented in the General Assembly - one of the six main organs of the UN - to discuss and work together on a wide array of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations, such as development, peace and security, international law, etc.
Every year in September, all the Members meet in this unique forum at Headquarters in New York for the General Assembly session.
Sitting arrangements in the General Assembly Hall change for each session. During the 74th Session (2019-2020), Ghana occupies the first seat in the Hall, including in the Main Committees (followed by all the other countries, in English alphabetical order).
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "United Nations General Assembly"