District Risk, vulnerability and capacity Assessment Report - Draft

Document type:
Documents & Publications

The Risk, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (RVCA) for Kilosa district aimed to identify disaster risks, vulnerability and capacities in the district. The findings from the RVCA form the basis for the preparation of the District’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (DEPRP).

Consequently, the assignment covered various aspects of RVCA, ranging from hazard identification and analysis; to capacities analysis. Moreover, the assessment covered social, economic and environmental aspects in relation to their risks (exposure), vulnerabilities and their capacities to cope with hazards/disasters at both district and village levels. The combination of these aspects necessitated the application of a variety of approaches in collection of field data. The assignment employed a variety of approached to assess the RVCA for the district in order to capture the required information at the district, village and household levels. Both primary and secondary data were collected, using a variety of tools and various data collection methods.

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