The Risk, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (RVCA) for Kilosa district aimed to identify disaster risks, vulnerability and capacities in the district. The findings from the RVCA form the basis for the preparation of the District’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (DEPRP).
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Gender"
This report for SADC summarizes the findings of the gender analysis of the SADC Secretariat and member states.
This report provides an overview of vulnerability across the region, especially as it relates to food and nutrition security. Central to its analysis is the information provided by respective National Vulnerability Assessment Committees at the Regional Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis Annual Dissemination Forum, held from 01 to 04 July 2019 in Windhoek, Namibia.
Zimbabwe’s Climate Change Response Strategy mainstreams climate change through a sectorial approach to ensure that each sector implements adaptation and mitigation actions. Each sector will therefore be able to direct its project proposals to the appropriate funding mechanism.
The purpose of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan is to deepen regional integration in SADC. It provides SADC Member States with a consistent and comprehensive programme of long-term economic and social policies. It also provides the Secretariat and other SADC institutions with a clear view of SADC's approved economic and social policies and priorities.
The SADC Gender Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy and Plan of Action: “Prevent Risk Creation and Reduce Existing Risks for Women, Men, Girls and Boys” 2020-2030 (GRDP) is designed to enhance regional capacities for gender-responsive disaster risk prevention, management and coordination in support of humanitarian assistance.
This Policy presents an overview of climate change from Namibia perspective, vulnerability of Namibia to climate change per sector, predictions for Namibia.
The purpose of national disaster risk reduction policy is to provide a framework for effective planning and implementation of disaster risk reduction in Lesotho. More than 90 percent of disasters in Lesotho are related to climatic changes.
The Plan of Action (PoA) is the strategic plan for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in Africa. It is intended to provide guidance and direction for actions by all at the continental, regional, national and sub-national/local levels in Africa to prevent and reduce the risk of disasters for resilience in line with the Sendai Framework.
Annexes of key materials from "Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk Management - Focusing on the African Union and Regional Economic Communities: ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD & SADC - A Desk Review".