National Risk and Disaster Management Strategy 2016-2020

Document type:
Policies, Plans & Strategies

Aware of the development challenges represented by risks and disasters, Madagascar finalized its first National Strategy for Risk and Disaster Management (SNGRC) in 2003. By being annexed to the national policy on risk and disaster management which was adopted during of the same year, this strategic document is an integral part of the said policy.

With six main strategic axes for the 3-7 years that have been highlighted (relating to: (i) the implementation of institutional mechanisms for the DRM, (ii) long-term capacity building at national, provincial levels , regional, local and municipal, (iii) strengthening of comprehensive information systems; iv) development of long-term financial mechanisms, (v) overall reduction of vulnerability and risks: (vi) regional cooperation and international for development), the existence of this NRDMS document as a scoping document has made it possible to develop strategic actions.

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