Decree establishing the inter-ministerial committee for the management of disasters caused by the passage of Cyclone Kenneth in the Comoros.
Hurricane, tropical storm, tropical depression, typhoon.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Cyclone"
Decree establishing the inter-ministerial committee for the management of disasters caused by the passage of Cyclone Kenneth in the Comoros.
This National Contingency Plan, like the sectoral response plans, has been drawn up in accordance with the spirit of the Humanitarian Action Charter, which reaffirms the right of disaster-affected populations to protection, assistance and living with dignity.
The national policy on climate change stems from the Vision of the Comorian authorities to place the country on a trajectory of sustainable growth and green development, resilient to the climate and low in carbon. It is also part of the Accelerated Growth Strategy for Sustainable Development (SCA2D).
This National Contingency Plan, like the sectoral response plans, has been drawn up in accordance with the spirit of the Humanitarian Action Charter, which reaffirms the right of populations affected by disasters to protection, assistance and live in dignity.
An Official Statement at the fourth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, May 2013.
The objectives of this National Contingency Plan were to:
Speech by His Excellency, Mohamed BACAR DOSSAR Director of Cabinet of the President of the Union of the Comoros, Responsible for Defense and Territorial Security; An Official Statement at the second session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, June 2009.
Zimbabwe presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.
This report for SADC summarizes the findings of the gender analysis of the SADC Secretariat and member states.
The SADC Member States disaster risk reduction and management technical managers convened to the 2019/2020 Pre-Season Disaster Preparedness, Response and Early Action Planning Workshop which was held 12-14 November 2019, in Maputo, Mozambique.