RIASCO Action Plan for Southern Africa - Revised Regional Response Plan for the El Niño-induced Drought in Southern Africa | December 2016 - April 2017

Document type:
Documents & Publications

This document is a revision of the Regional Inter-Agency Standing Committee (RIASCO) Action Plan published in July 2016. It is in support of the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) Regional Appeal for Humanitarian and Recovery Support.

The Action Plan was developed in three pillars: a humanitarian pillar setting out the immediate needs for initially 12.3 million people and now revised to 13.8 million people in 7 priority countries totalling $1.3 billion over 12 months; a resilience pillar to be undertaken in parallel to humanitarian efforts; and a macro-economic pillar which sets out policy options for governments to address the long term impacts and risk management of the regional drought crisis.

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