The Government of the [DRC] declared a new outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Bikoro in Equateur Province today...The outbreak declaration occurred after laboratory results confirmed two cases of EVD. (WHO, 8 May 2018)
From 4 April through 9 May 2018, a total of 32 [EVD] cases (among which two are confirmed, 18 probable and 12 suspected cases) were reported from Bikoro health zone, Equateur province, including 18 deaths. Three of the 32 cases were among healthcare workers...All cases were reported from the catchment area of the Ikoko-Impenge health facility, located 30 km from the central health zone office of Bikoro, which is 280 km by road from Mbandaka, the capital of Equateur province. Of the 21 initially reported cases on 8 May 2018, 17 had epidemiological links (potential contacts with another suspect case). (WHO, 10 May 2018)
As of 11 May 2018, there are a total of 34 cases, with 18 deaths (case fatality rate 52.9%), among which two cases are confirmed, 14 suspected and 18 probable. Three health workers have been affected, with two suspected cases and a probable case who died. (WHO, 11 May 2018)
The affected community, Ikoko Impenge, is situated in the Bikoro Health Zone of the Equateur province of the DRC. The epicentre is a very remote village; Ikoko Impenge health area is not covered by mobile telephone networks but is accessible by road (though access is difficult especially with the ongoing rainy season). There are currently suspected 10 cases in treatment in two different facilities. Ikoko Impenge health area covers 15km and includes 5 villages, all of which have reported suspected cases. This area of DRC has not suffered previous documented Ebola outbreaks before the current outbreak. (IFRC, 14 May 2018)
One new case of [EVD] has been confirmed in Wangata, one of the three health zones of Mbandaka, a city of nearly 1.2 million people in Equateur Province. (WHO, 17 May 2018)
The 1st meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) regarding [EVD] outbreak in [DRC] took place on...18 May 2018...It was the view of the Committee that the conditions for a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) have not currently been met. (WHO, 18 May 2018)
On 15 June 2018, five new suspected EVD cases were reported in Bikoro Health Zone. Six laboratory specimens (from suspected cases reported previously) tested negative. No new confirmed EVD cases and no new deaths were reported on the reporting date. Since 17 May 2018, no new confirmed EVD cases have been reported in Bikoro and Wangata health zones, while the last confirmed case-patient in Iboko Health Zone developed illness on 2 June 2018 and was confirmed 6 June 2018. To date, a total 24 case-patients with confirmed EVD have been cured since the onset of the outbreak. Since the beginning of the outbreak (on 4 April 2018), a total of 57 EVD cases and 28 deaths (case fatality rate 49.1%) have been reported, as of 15 June 2018. (WHO, 15 Jun 2018)
On 27 June 2018, all the people who were exposed to the last confirmed EVD case-patient completed their mandatory 21-day follow up without developing symptoms. This is an important milestone. The last confirmed EVD case in Equateur Province was cured and discharged from the Ebola treatment centre (ETC) (WHO, 3 Jul 2018)
On 3 July 2018, WHO reviewed the level of public health risk associated with the current outbreak. The latest assessment concluded that the current [EVD] outbreak has largely been contained, considering that over 21 days (one maximum incubation period) have elapsed since the last laboratory-confirmed case was discharged and that contact tracing activities ended on 27 June 2018. However, there remains a risk of resurgence from potentially undetected transmission chains and possible sexual transmission of the virus by male survivors. It is therefore, critical to maintain all key response pillars until the end of the outbreak is declared. (WHO, 6 Jul 2018)
Today marks the end of the ninth outbreak of Ebola in [DRC]. [WHO] congratulates the country and all those involved in ending the outbreak...WHO and partners appealed for US$57 million to stop the spread of Ebola. The total funds received by all partners, as tracked by OCHA, amount to US$63 million. Funding towards WHO’s contribution to the Ebola response was provided from: Italy (€ 300 000), UN CERF (US$ 800 000), Gavi (US$ 1 million), USAID (US$ 5.3 million), Wellcome Trust and UK-DFID (US$ 4.1 million), UK-DFID (£5 million), Germany (€5 million), Norway (NOK 8 million), Canada (CAD$1 million), World Bank PEF (US$ 6.8 million), Japan (US$1.3 million), EU ECHO (€1.5 million) and from the Ebola MPTF (US$ 428,000) bringing the total to approximately US$36 million. (WHO, 24 Jul 2018)