The objectives of this Strategy are to provide framework for collaboration and partnership for the EAC Partner States in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management and to facilitate and strengthen the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management activities of the EAC Partner States in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015, the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and th
Epidemic & Pandemic
Epidemic: bubonic plague, cholera, dengue, non-pandemic diseases, typhoid;
Pandemic: H1N1, HIV, smallpox, tuberculosis, COVID-19.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Epidemic & Pandemic"
This National Contingency Plan, like the sectoral response plans, has been drawn up in accordance with the spirit of the Humanitarian Action Charter, which reaffirms the right of disaster-affected populations to protection, assistance and living with dignity.
This National Contingency Plan, like the sectoral response plans, has been drawn up in accordance with the spirit of the Humanitarian Action Charter, which reaffirms the right of populations affected by disasters to protection, assistance and live in dignity.
The objectives of this National Contingency Plan were to:
Designed to answer to chronic situations in the country and recommend the possible solutions for risk reduction and resilience building both for the short and long term in addition to support for required food where necessary.
Risk-informed development allows for development to become a vehicle to reduce risk, avoid creating risks and build resilience. Only resilient development can become sustainable development; sustainable development initiatives will fail unless they are risk-informed. Risk, resilience and sustainability knowledge and actions need to go hand-in-hand.
The Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Phase two study is aimed at determining the type, location and frequency of the disasters at national and regional level. To identify the current capacity and coping systems (organizational arrangement) at national and regional level.
This report for SADC summarizes the findings of the gender analysis of the SADC Secretariat and member states.
The SADC Member States disaster risk reduction and management technical managers convened to the 2019/2020 Pre-Season Disaster Preparedness, Response and Early Action Planning Workshop which was held 12-14 November 2019, in Maputo, Mozambique.
This report provides an overview of vulnerability across the region, especially as it relates to food and nutrition security. Central to its analysis is the information provided by respective National Vulnerability Assessment Committees at the Regional Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis Annual Dissemination Forum, held from 01 to 04 July 2019 in Windhoek, Namibia.