The objectives of this Strategy are to provide framework for collaboration and partnership for the EAC Partner States in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management and to facilitate and strengthen the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management activities of the EAC Partner States in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015, the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and th
Seismic, tectonic activity.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Earthquake"
Risk-informed development allows for development to become a vehicle to reduce risk, avoid creating risks and build resilience. Only resilient development can become sustainable development; sustainable development initiatives will fail unless they are risk-informed. Risk, resilience and sustainability knowledge and actions need to go hand-in-hand.
The Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Phase two study is aimed at determining the type, location and frequency of the disasters at national and regional level. To identify the current capacity and coping systems (organizational arrangement) at national and regional level.
An Official Statement made by His Excellency July Moyo, at the sixth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, May 2019.
The TEPRP is a Multi-Hazards functional plan that sets forth appropriate actions to be taken in response to an emergency or major disaster including potential or imminent threat of any event. The TEPRP aims to facilitate the coordination for the delivery of resources and services necessary to deal with the consequences of an emergency or major disaster.
The IDTMTM was developed to promote efforts addressing disaster issues in Tanzania, informing the public about the major disasters that affect the community.
The study focuses on the economy of the United Republic of Tanzania. We model the spatial and temporal dynamics of production, trade, and consumption, and study how the resulting supply-chain flows depend on the transportation network.
The goal of this plan is to have an effective, efficient and well-coordinated health sector all hazards response system that will lead to reduction of mortality, morbidity, and disability.
The Malawi Post Disaster Needs Assessment for the 2019 Floods was commissioned by the Government of Malawi with support from The World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), European Union (EU) and African Development Bank (AfDB).
The Zanzibar Disaster Management Policy of 2011 provides a situational analysis of the natural hazard risks faced by Zanzibar in the United Republic of Tanzania. It documents the linkages between disaster management and development policies in Zanzibar, and futher outlines Zanzibar's disaster management policy and institutional and implementation arrangements.