The SADC Member States disaster risk reduction and management technical managers convened to the 2019/2020 Pre-Season Disaster Preparedness, Response and Early Action Planning Workshop which was held 12-14 November 2019, in Maputo, Mozambique.
The overall aim of the workshop was to establish the common understanding of the season’s climate risks and facilitate country-specific readiness towards addressing the risks (drought, floods and disease outbreaks) through the development of costed multi-sectoral and multi-hazard contingency plans.
The procedures and deliberations of the workshop are discussed in this report from the objectives, to the validation of the lessons learnt from the Tropical Cyclone IDAI report, sharing on the Twenty-third Southern African Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF 23) statement and undertaking of the 2019/2020 action planning.
The report also highlights on information sharing on the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project implemented by the SADC Secretariat, from 2018 to 2020, and lastly, lists the regional disaster planning and management challenges recommendations.