The objectives of this Strategy are to provide framework for collaboration and partnership for the EAC Partner States in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management and to facilitate and strengthen the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management activities of the EAC Partner States in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015, the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and th
Wild Fire
Bush fire, forest fire, uncontrolled fire, wildland fire.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Wild Fire"
The Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Phase two study is aimed at determining the type, location and frequency of the disasters at national and regional level. To identify the current capacity and coping systems (organizational arrangement) at national and regional level.
This national disaster management policy framework for Zambia is intended to help the disaster management regime to assume and play a coordinating and implementation role before, during and after disaster outbreaks.
The TEPRP is a Multi-Hazards functional plan that sets forth appropriate actions to be taken in response to an emergency or major disaster including potential or imminent threat of any event. The TEPRP aims to facilitate the coordination for the delivery of resources and services necessary to deal with the consequences of an emergency or major disaster.
Mauritius presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.
The Zanzibar Disaster Management Policy of 2011 provides a situational analysis of the natural hazard risks faced by Zanzibar in the United Republic of Tanzania. It documents the linkages between disaster management and development policies in Zanzibar, and futher outlines Zanzibar's disaster management policy and institutional and implementation arrangements.
The National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS) provides a common vision of climate change adaptation and resilience for the country, and outlines priority areas for achieving this vision. The NCCAS is divided into sets of strategic objectives, strategic interventions and strategic outcomes with associated actions.
This paper provides an overview of what climate change will mean to subsistence and smallholder farmers in Lesotho, and how the capacity for climate change adaptation in agriculture can be strengthened, focusing on selected areas of crops, livestock and forest-based livelihood systems, to stabilize and improve yields.
The NCCS will provide a coherent and consolidated response to climate change. This strategic document will remain a “working” document intended to be updated and revised on an ongoing basis in response to new challenges and opportunities.
The SADC Gender Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy and Plan of Action: “Prevent Risk Creation and Reduce Existing Risks for Women, Men, Girls and Boys” 2020-2030 (GRDP) is designed to enhance regional capacities for gender-responsive disaster risk prevention, management and coordination in support of humanitarian assistance.