The National Strategy for Risk and Disaster Management (SNGRC in french) is a strategic instrument with national scope, applicable during the period 2016-2030, which has for vision a nation resilient to shocks, protected from all damage, in its social and cultural dimension, economic and environmental for sustainable development.
Government of Madagascar
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Government of Madagascar"
The INDC of the Republic of Madagascar has been prepared taking into account the objectives and national development priorities included in main strategic documents national policies, in particular the General State Policy (PGE), the National Policy Development (PND) and the National Policy to Combat Climate Change (PNLCC).
This decree sets the organization, the functioning and the attributions of the Prevention and Support Unit for Emergency Management at the Prime Minister's Office, provided for and created by Law No. 2015-031 of February 12, 2016 on the National Policy for Risk and Disaster Management.
To address the serious threats of desertification and the degradation of its natural resources, Madagascar has adopted a National Action Plan (NAP) to combat desertification aligned with the ten-year strategic framework plan 2008-2028.
This decree regulates the institutional framework for disaster risk management in Madagascar and provides for the structure and functioning of governmental institutions responsible for the implementation of Law no. 2003-010 of 5 September 2003 on the national policy for disaster risk management.
This law regulates the national policy for disaster reduction and provides for the implementation and financing of disaster risk management in Madagascar.
An Official Statement made by Mr Mamy Nirina Razakanaivo, at the sixth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, May 2019.
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) are prepared by member countries in broad consultation with stakeholders and development partners, including the staffs of the World Bank and the IMF.