The National Strategy for Climate Change 2018-2030 (ENAC 2018-2030) arises from the need to articulate objectives, instruments and institutions in pursuing the most recent challenges that the country is facing, both in terms of its economy and the improvement of conditions population, as well as at the level of the most recent global climatic events, resulting from the Paris Agreement and the S
Government of Angola
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Government of Angola"
Approves the Organic Regulation of the Civil Protection and Fire Service in order to comply with the Organic Statute of the Ministry of Interior.
This Presidential Decree approves the Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Reduction of Disaster Risk for the period 2013-2017.
This Presidential Decree approves the National Plan for the preparation, resilience, response and recovery from natural disasters for the period 2015-2017.
This report was prepared to be presented at the Kobe-Hyogo International Conference to be held in Japan in January 2005 and it presents information on the risk situation in Angola. The report highlights the ongoing activities, some of which have the cooperation of the international community and in particular the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Approuve le Plan Stratégique de Gestion des Risques de Catastrophe, joint à ce Décret Présidentiel et qui en fait partie intégrante.
Les principaux objectifs de ce Plan Stratégique sont les suivants: