This report for SADC summarizes the findings of the gender analysis of the SADC Secretariat and member states. It builds on the desk review “Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk Management focusing on the African Union and Regional Economic Communities: ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD & SADC” by the World Bank Gender DRM team and uses evidence gleaned from desk-based research, face-to-face meetings and remote consultations with the SADC Secretariat, DRR and Gender Focal Points from member states, as well as other government, private sector, and non-governmental stakeholders (see Annex A, B, C, and D).
It is also informed by informal discussions held at a number of events, including the meeting of SADC DRR Focal Points from 26-28th June 2019; an International Winter School on Gender and Resilience from 1-5th July 2019; and Post Disaster Needs Assessment training for SADC from 23-27th September and field visits in Mozambique and South Africa.
The analysis included here will be used to distil the Gender Strategy and Action Plan to ensure actions that are realistically ambitious given the current context (Deliverable 4).