Documents Database

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Cover Title Location Theme(s) Hazard(s) Date
Estrategia aceleracao prevencao infecccao HIV.png Strategy for Accelerating HIV Prevention Mozambique Disaster Risk Management, Health & Health Facilities, Risk Identification & Assessment, Vulnerable Populations Epidemic & Pandemic
Statement by H.E. Albano Macie, Vice-Minister of State Administration and Public Services At the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Geneva, 16 May 2019 Statement by H.E. Albano Macie, Vice-Minister of State Administration and Public Services At the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Geneva, 16 May 2019 Mozambique Disaster Risk Management, Governance, Sendai Framework Cyclone
Master plan for disaster risk reduction 2017-2030 Master Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2017-2030 Mozambique Civil Society/NGOs, Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Governance, Recovery, Risk Identification & Assessment, Sendai Framework, Urban Risk & Planning Cyclone, Drought, Epidemic & Pandemic, Flood
Law no. 15/2014 - Legal regime for disaster management Mozambique Civil Society/NGOs, Disaster Risk Management, Governance, Recovery Cyclone, Drought, Flood
National Climate Change Strategy (2013-2025) Mozambique Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Governance Cyclone, Drought, Flood
National Strategic Plan for Response to HIV and AIDS (2010-2014) Mozambique Disaster Risk Management, Governance, Health & Health Facilities, Risk Identification & Assessment Epidemic & Pandemic
Action plan for the prevention and control of uncontrolled fires Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Uncontrolled Fires Mozambique Disaster Risk Management, Governance, Risk Identification & Assessment Wild Fire
Contingency Plan for Emergencies and Epidemics in Mozambique (Preliminary Version) Mozambique Disaster Risk Management, Health & Health Facilities Epidemic & Pandemic
Master Plan for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Disasters Master Plan for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Disasters Mozambique Capacity Development, Disaster Risk Management, Early Warning, Food Security & Agriculture, GIS & Mapping, Governance, Water Cyclone, Drought, Earthquake, Flood
National Malaria Control Programme Mozambique Disaster Risk Management, Governance, Health & Health Facilities Epidemic & Pandemic