Zimbabwe presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.
Extreme weather, extreme temperature, high temperatures.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Heat Wave"
Zimbabwe presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.
Zimbabwe’s Climate Change Response Strategy mainstreams climate change through a sectorial approach to ensure that each sector implements adaptation and mitigation actions. Each sector will therefore be able to direct its project proposals to the appropriate funding mechanism.
This paper provides an overview of what climate change will mean to subsistence and smallholder farmers in Lesotho, and how the capacity for climate change adaptation in agriculture can be strengthened, focusing on selected areas of crops, livestock and forest-based livelihood systems, to stabilize and improve yields.
This National Strategy and Action Plan lays out the guiding principles responsive to climate change that are effective, efficient and practical. It further identifies priority action areas for adaptation and mitigation. Namibia is ready to learn from and adopt best practices from other parts of the world in dealing with issues of climate change.
An Act to provide for the comprehensive management of existing and future disaster risks, for the institutional framework and funding arrangements for the management of disaster risk and other matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
The National Climate Change Management Policy is a key instrument for managing climate change in the country of Malawi.
The goal is to create an enabling policy and legal framework for a pragmatic, coordinated and harmonized approach to climate change management.
This report summarizes all activities implemented for Seychelles in the context of the joint UNISDR/ISLANDS project entitled "Strengthening Capacities for Unified Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Through the Facilitation of Risk Transfer and Finance Mechanisms" within the "ISLANDS Programme for Financial Protection against Climatic and Natural Disasters."<
This Strategy is divided into nine priority axes which are:
The ORSEC PLAN is intended to be a first step and a very important step in the perspective of the constitutional response to the question of national emergencies, constituting for the government a first-hand tool allowing it, not only, to know who is responsible for what task in case of which circumstance, but also the modality of activation of it and the coordination of intervention activities
Speech by honourable Ronald Machana Shamukini Assistant Minister for Presidential Affairs, Governance and Public Administration on the occasion of the Sixth Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 (Geneva, Switzerland; 13-17 May, 2019).