This report summarizes all activities implemented for Seychelles in the context of the joint UNISDR/ISLANDS project entitled "Strengthening Capacities for Unified Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Through the Facilitation of Risk Transfer and Finance Mechanisms" within the "ISLANDS Programme for Financial Protection against Climatic and Natural Disasters."
The ISLANDS programme composed of three components: the establishment of reliable disaster loss database (Component 1), risk evaluation and probabilistic risk assessment profiles (Component 2) and incorporation of risk management into public investment planning (Component 3).
Chapter 1 introduces basic country structure as background. Chapters 2 and 3 outline loss and risk as the starting point of analysis. Chapter 4 briefly explains the DRR policies of the country. Chapter 5 outlines the current state of risk-sensitive public investment planning and risk financing policy as well as brief summary of three types of economic analysis implemented in the country.