The 2019 Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis was carried out between May and June 2019 with a view to provide information on the state of livelihoods and vulnerability with a particular emphasis on the rural areas of the country.
Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment Committee
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The Eswatini Vulnerability Assessment Committee (Eswatini VAC) conducted the annual assessment in an effort to understand the level of vulnerability at household level countrywide over the 2018/19 consumption period.
The Annual assessment’s objectives were to understand the status of livelihood sources in the rural and urban areas, thus to determine levels of food insecurity amongst populations, estimating vulnerable populations facing food insecurity and establish forms of coping mechanisms adopted during periods of food insecurity.
The purpose of the 2015 Annual Assessment was to assess the status of livelihoods and vulnerability in rural households and provide timely information for programming and decision-making.