This report for SADC summarizes the findings of the gender analysis of the SADC Secretariat and member states.
Coastal flood, wave surge, wind setup.
The following is a list of all conten labeled as "Storm Surge"
This report for SADC summarizes the findings of the gender analysis of the SADC Secretariat and member states.
Mauritius presentation in the Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction, Coordination, Planning and Policy Advisory Capacity of SADC Project Inception Workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 January 2020.
The study focuses on the economy of the United Republic of Tanzania. We model the spatial and temporal dynamics of production, trade, and consumption, and study how the resulting supply-chain flows depend on the transportation network.
The Malawi Post Disaster Needs Assessment for the 2019 Floods was commissioned by the Government of Malawi with support from The World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), European Union (EU) and African Development Bank (AfDB).
This Coastal Management Plan consolidates risk information and provides a framework for its use for coastal management, adaptation, and risk management. It aims to help maintain and protect the coastal zone to reduce coastal risk, support healthy ecosystems, and enable sustainable coastal economic development.
This paper provides an overview of what climate change will mean to subsistence and smallholder farmers in Lesotho, and how the capacity for climate change adaptation in agriculture can be strengthened, focusing on selected areas of crops, livestock and forest-based livelihood systems, to stabilize and improve yields.
The SADC Gender Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy and Plan of Action: “Prevent Risk Creation and Reduce Existing Risks for Women, Men, Girls and Boys” 2020-2030 (GRDP) is designed to enhance regional capacities for gender-responsive disaster risk prevention, management and coordination in support of humanitarian assistance.
The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) commissioned a Mid-Term Review (MTR) in November 2016 supported by the Swaziland UN Country Office focusing primarily on the period beginning from the National Emergency Response Mitigation and Adaptation Plan (NERMAP) launch (February 2016) to December 2016.
Enhancing coordination for effective disaster preparedness and response and resilience outlines the preparedness and response strategy and fund for the SADC region (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy and Fund) to facilitate a coordinated support for SADC Member States when they are overwhelmed by a disaster event. To this end the Strategy and Fund has three priorities:
The aim of the Report is to comprehensively report on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the implementation of the Sendai Framework 2015-2030 and the Africa Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction. This report focusses on all of the Member States of the Africa Union.
The objective is to use the outcome of the report to: